
How to install Oculus software on D drive

How to install Oculus software on D drive
When you install the Oculus app on your PC computer, it'll install on the C: drive. If you want to install the app on a different system drive, make sure the new system drive has sufficient free disk space and is formatted to use the NTFS file system.
To install the Oculus app on a different system drive:
  1. 1.
    Press the Windows key + R to open the Run command
  2. 2.
    Enter the following path: [drive]:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\OculusSetup.exe/drive=[new system drive]
    • Replace [drive] with the letter of the drive where Oculus was downloaded to.
    • Replace [new system drive] with the letter of the new drive you'd like to install Oculus to.
    • Examples:
      • C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\OculusSetup.exe /drive=D
      • C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\OculusSetup.exe /drive:D
  3. 3.
    Click OK.
The Oculus app will then open and attempt to install the app on the new drive you've chosen.


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16 Kommentare

shh who is this

shh who is this

It doesnt work, im trying to download on D drive, but never downloaded it on C drive.

@Vinthepro7 on YT

@Vinthepro7 on YT

It doesn’t work, so I hate you.



Doesnt work. The occulus app tryes to launch but then nothing



BRO OMG. YOU ARE LITERALLY A LIFESAVER. I’ve been trying to figure this shit out but I couldn’t. Thank you so much! You’re a real one!



It’s awesome that I have to do this in order to run this POS equipment. Returning ASAP.

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